Have you've ever seen the movie, She's The Man?  It is a useful resource when talking about genderlect.  Amanda Bynes' character tries to prove that women can contribute to the men's soccer team and when she is shut down by the men and their coach, she goes undercover as a male and plays on the team and does indeed lead their team to victory.  Now, yes this is a movie, however this is a realistic situation.  Most likely, if a female asked to play on an all-male team, she would be shut down and also most likely that female would be better than some of the males on that team.  Some aspects of this movie defend the ideas of genderlect, such as the men degrading the women's ability.  On the other hand, some aspects of the movie provide an exception to genderlect. such as a woman being able to communicate, act, and play like a man.

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